



ねじれ国会  糖質ゼロ  サブプライム  ミシュラン  オワンクラゲ  キターー!!  あげあげ  姫電  せんとくん/まんとくん  グ~!  アキバ系  ローゼン麻生  ポ~ニョ、ポニョポニョ、さかなの子~♪  メーク・レジェンド  千年紀(源氏物語千年紀)  おなごの道は一本道にございます。  オネエマン(ズ)  言うよね?  霞ヶ関埋蔵金  朝バナナ  蟹工/蟹工船  エア芸  婚活  カレセン  くいだおれ太郎   おバカキャラ  世界のナベアツ  ホームレス中学生/解散!  私もあなたの作品の一つです  これでいいのだ  キモティー  屁の突っ張りでもないですから  アラフォー  居酒屋タクシー  一斉休漁  ゲリラ豪雨  汚染米/事故米  名ばかり管理職  チョリ~ッス  後期高齢者  サイバンインコ  ゆるキャラ  再発防止検討委員会  毒入りギョーザ  チェンジ(CHANGE)  あなたとは違うんです  メタミドホス  ロスジェネ(宣言)  ゆとり世代/脱ゆとり教育  ねんきん特別便  燃料サーチャージ  フィルタリング  上野の413球  よし、よし、よーし!  神様 仏様 上野様  ささやき女将(つぶやき女将)  ガソリン国会  暫定税率  フリーチベット  何も言えねー 

54. “I’m different from you” (anata to wa chigau n desu - あなたとは違うんです): At a press conference following former prime minister Yasuo Fukuda’s sudden resignation in September, a reporter confronted Fukuda about his seeming detachment from the problems facing Japan and his resignation. Agitated, Fukuda fired back: “You said I sounded detached, but I am able to see myself objectively. I’m different from you.”
Fukuda-inspired ASCII art
Japan’s online community mocked Fukuda’s uncharacteristically blunt outburst for weeks. [More]

Anata to wa chigau n desu (”I am different from you”). In the few short days since Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda uttered these words to a pesky reporter after his shock resignation, Japan has witnessed the birth of a new buzz phrase online.

At the end of the press conference following Fukuda’s resignation, a Chugoku Shimbun reporter told the Prime Minister that many people thought he often seemed detached when he spoke, almost as if the problems facing Japan were none of his business. The reporter suggested that Fukuda also sounded distant in his resignation announcement and asked what impact he thought his sudden resignation (which comes just one year after previous Prime Minister Abe suddenly resigned) would have on the country. Seemingly perturbed, Fukuda fired back at the reporter: “You said I sounded detached, but I am able to see myself objectively. I’m different from you.”
Fukuda’s jarringly out-of-character words came as an awkward exclamation point to his resignation and threw some people for an extra loop. The phrase has been percolating for days on 2-channel, where dozens of popular threads with the words “anata to wa chigau n desu” (あなたとは違うんです) in the title have been posted, many containing Fukuda-inspired ASCII art.
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