




BenjaminFulford Benjamin Fulford
Widow of former Indonesian President Sukarno assaulted by Japanese police
The widow of former Indonesian President Sukarno was assaulted by Japanese police who ignored death threats made to her by a right wing thug, says Debbie Sukarno in her Japanese language blog. The right wing thug, working no doubt on behalf of the Bush/Clinton crime family, were screaming insults at her using a sound truck and when she approached the truck to talk to the man inside, police grabbed her, she says. The man in the truck then said “I’ll stab you!” The police ignored this threat even though such threats are highly illegal in Japan, especially when made by gangsters.
The reason she is under attack by the police and right wing groups is that she dares to tell the truth about North Korea.
The fact of the matter is that Japan and North Korea had agreed to normalize relations recently but were stopped by the US, according to Hajime Ishii, head of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan’s upper house delegation. The US would rather keep North Korea as a bogeyman so they can force Japan to buy weapons.
It should be noted that most of the so-called right wing nationalist gangs in Japan with their sound trucks are in fact working for the Bush/Clinton crime family. Furthermore, many of the so-called ultra-nationalists are in fact North Koreans. Normalization of relations between Japan and North Korea would threaten the Skull and Bones Asian amphetamines smuggling operations.
The Bush/Clinton crime family terrorization of Japan and the Korean peninsula must cease.
Here is a link to the Japanese language blog entry:
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