中出しセックスする女性は、鬱になりにくい(米研究) window.google_render_ad(); [アメリカ発] ニューヨーク州立大学アルバニー校に在籍する心理学者、ゴードン・G・ギャラップ博士が、性科学の学術誌、 『Archives of Sexual Behavior』 に出版した研究論文「Does semen have antidepressant properties?」は、出版された当時(2002年)、マスコミに取り上げられ物議を醸したそうであるが、5年経った今、再浮上し、ネット界隈で話題になっている。ギャラップ博士の研究テーマは、膣内で放出される男性の精液が女性の心理に与える影響である。彼はサンプルの293人の女子学生の性生活と精神状態について調べたのであるが、コンドームを使わないでセックスする女性は、コンドームを使用する女性や性交渉を持たない女性に比べて、鬱になりにくく、自殺しにくいという結果を得たという。また、日頃コンドーム無しで性交している女性は、セックスをしない期間が長くなればなる程、気分がだんだん落ち込んで行くのに対し、コンドームを常用する女性にはそのような傾向は見られなかったそうだ。さらに、コンドームを使わない女性は、自分から誘ってセックスしたり、男性と破局した場合には、すぐさま次の交際相手を求めようとする傾向が強いことも判明した。これらの発見事項から、ギャラップ博士は、精液には強力で、中毒性(常習性)のある向精神薬の働きをするケミカルが含まれていると結論付けている。男性の精液には、テストステロン、エストロゲン、プロラクチン、黄体形成ホルモン、プロスタグランジン等のホルモンが含まれているが、確かに、これらホルモンのうちのいくつかは女性の膣壁から吸収され、気分を高揚させることが知られている。(つまり、平たく言うと、日頃、中出しOKの女性は、精液ホルモンから受ける高揚感で、ハッピーな気分でいられ、落ち込み難いけれども、そえゆえに精液ホルモンの中毒に罹りやすく、セックスにどん欲で、男なしでは生きていけなくなるということだろうか。それなら、まさしく麻薬と同じだ!)なお、この調査では避妊法、セックスの頻度、女性が交際相手との関係をどう見なしているか等の変数の影響はコントロールされている(取り除かれている)そうである。コンドーム不使用の女性は(精液ホルモンの影響とは関係なく)もともと、鬱になりにくい性格的特性を持つのではないかという見方もできないではない。しかしながら、非コンドーム派の女性は性的リスク(妊娠、性病等)を厭わないという傾向はあるが、性的リスクを厭わない行動パターンと鬱の度合いに関連性が無い事は、これまでの研究でわかっている。ギャラップ博士は、後に700人の女性を対象とし、同様の調査を行っているが、同じ結論に達したそうである。今後は、月経前、更年期、出産直後の女性等、性生活から遠のきがちな女性たちが、「シーメン(精液)の使用中止」により、鬱になるリスクが増すかどうか調査する予定でいるそうである。
IS ALEX JONES A ZIONIST?Controversy Swirls - Who IS Jones And What Is His True Agenda?By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2009 Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner& Link To Real Jew News (SM) Please Help Support This Site! Or Send Your Contribution To:Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443E-mail: bronathanael@yahoo.com For The Best Alternative News CoverageCLICK:Rense.comHere___________________________________THE SIMMERING CONTROVERSY OF ALEX ‘BULLHORN’ JONES allegedly being a Zionist shill and/or a de facto Zionist agent and spin meister has now spilled over onto Jones’ own Prison Planet Message Board (see below)…despite alleged message-censoring efforts by Jones, personally, and his staff. According to a number of postings which are excerpted below, Jones’ allegiance to Zionism stems from two things: 1) His core Protestant Fundamentalist-Zionist belief system, and, 2) Widely circulated reports that his wife is a Jew which would make their two children Jewish under Talmudic law. Here is a sampling of postings published on February 23rd, 2009, on Jones’ Prison Planet Forum (Scroll Down) demonstrating possible reasons for his strong pro-Zionist leanings. The posting reads as follows: ** FORBIDDEN INFORMATION THAT ALEX JONES DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ** “Alex Jones’ ‘w-i-f-e’ is Jewish. He has two children by her. His children are therefore by rabbinical law, considered fully Jewish. This is because in rabbinical law, children are considered fully Jewish if their mother is Jewish, regardless of the race or ethnicity of the father. Alex’s w-i-f-e and children therefore qualify for Right of Return status under Israeli law. The Israeli Right of Return statute allows any Jew anywhere in the world to immigrate to Israel and receive instant automatic citizenship. Alex Jones’ ‘w-i-f-e’ and children are therefore de facto dual citizens of the state of Israel. It is well-known that many years ago Alex Jones used to complain on his radio show about how difficult it was for a non-Jewish spouse of a Jewish person to immigrate to the state of Israel because of the excessive bureaucratic red tape and regulations involved.” View Entire StoryHere. EVIDENCE OF CENSORSHIP ABOUT JONES’ JEWISH FAMILY HERE IS UNEQUIVOCAL PROOF FROM AN ASTUTE COMMENTER on the Prison Planet Forum that Alex Jones tried to censor comments regarding his Zionist sympathies: “Alex Jones does not wish for this information about his wife to become widely known and he is desperately trying to conceal it. Jones has instructed his Webmaster, Paul Watson, to create a text filter that scans all comments posted on this website for the word ‘w-i-f-e,’ except without dashes or other characters between the letters. If the word ‘w-i-f-e’ (without dashes) is found in either the body of the comment itself or in the poster’s name, then that comment is automatically placed on moderation. If you don’t believe what I am saying, then please try it out for yourself. Simply post a comment with the word ‘w-i-f-e’ contained in it, except do not place dashes between the letters of the word. You will see that when you post your comment, it will automatically be placed on moderation status. You will see the following message next to the title of your post: ‘Your comment is awaiting moderation.” View Entire StoryHere. From my own perspective, (Brother Nathanael Kapner, publisher of Real Jew News), I know for a fact that Alex Jones deleted all comments that had links to articles on Real Jew News on his Prison Planet Forum. Jones even had a regular forum participator, a man named Nicolae Ibasfalean, BANNED from ever posting on the Prison Planet Forum again, simply because he posted links to various Real Jew News articles. This is pure, unadulterated censorship. JONES’ SUDDEN RISE IN POPULARITY BY ALLOWING JONES TO TAKE A ‘HIDDEN’ CAMCORDER into the Zionist elite’s Skull & Bone’s Bohemian Grove in the Redwoods forest in January of 2006, and to subsequently release the footage (in a for-profit video), the Zionist press conferred upon Jones an almost instant celebrity status. The astute marketing of the Bohemian Grove footage by Jones unquestionably gave himself an alternative news internet reputation which he used as a platform to create an undying, maniacal devotion (frighteningly, some say) of thousands of Americans…not unlike the ‘Jonestown’ loyalty Obama constructed during his presidential campaign. View Entire StoryHere & Here. Another commenter on Jones’ Prison Planet Message Board, with penetrating insight, brought to light Jones’ role as a ‘disinfo’ agent for the Zionists: “I agree that while on the air, Alex Jones is a disinfo agent for the Jews and Israel. Obama, whose administration Jones continually censures, is infiltrated with Jews and Israel-Firsters. The communists, to whom Alex Jones and his guests refer, who influence and surround Obama, are also Jews. The banksters and the elite groups they talk about are dominated by the Zionists. There would not be the powerful Rockefeller dynasty had not the Jewish Israel-Firsters, that is, the Rothschilds, financed it. Israel did 9/11 - Mossad did 9/11. The low-life Larry Silverstein should be arrested and asked to take a lie detector test because of his involvement and benefit from the destruction of the twin towers. I am very disgusted with the decision of Alex Jones to revert to his former refusal to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth as to the identity of the criminals who are destroying the USA.” View Entire StoryHere. WILLIAM COOPER EXPOSED JONESAS A LIAR, FRAUD AND ‘BULLS**T ARTIST’ ABOUT SEVEN WEEKS AFTER EXPOSING JONES AS A LIAR AND A FRAUD on his highly-regarded national patriot radio show (listen HERE), Cooper (former naval intelligence officer and author of the alternative news best-seller Behold A Pale Horse) - was shot to death at his home in Eager, Arizona on November 5, 2001. Indeed, the renowned author, historian, and political theorist, Cooper, exposed Jones clearly as a fraud and was, according to many observers, removed to clear the way for Jones ascension to be the Rush Limbaugh of ‘patriot radio.’ After Cooper’s expose and subsequent execution, Alex Jones waged a heavy-handed campaign to downplay any role the Israelis and their Zionist counterparts in America had in the 9-11 incident. Jones continually shifted the blame away from the Zionists and onto others - mainly Americans, but also some British and Chinese. Jones then moved on to attempt to convince his listeners and readers that Zionists are actually subservient to other people, such as the Queen of England! View Entire StoryHere. As time passes, more are of the opinion that Cooper was clearly a major obstacle for Jones and was removed to clear the way for Jones to ‘fly-paper op’ as much of the patriot community as possible. View YouTube VideosHere. Jones has accumulated a large following in the years since Cooper’s death and has developed legions of kool-aid drinkers ready to, in many cases, die for him if needed. Again, this is the same cult adulation that surrounds Obama. – JONES SEES ANYONE ELSE ON THE STAGE AS A THREAT –CALLED DAVID ICKE A ‘TURD IN A PUNCH BOWL’ AS WITH MANY EGOCENTRIC and self-absorbed/obsessed media personalities, Alex Jones has personally attacked others who seem, in his world, to be competition. David Icke is a perfect case in point. During one recorded instance of Jones putting Icke down, he refers to the anti-NWO crusader as a ‘Turd In A Punch Bowl’ as seen in this YouTube video Here. Another common technique in the drive to be a media ‘King’ is the ability to quickly adopt and absorb the work of others and synthesize it into one’s own output. Jones has been criticized for this very kind of ‘research’ and deftly uses a large, full-time, paid staff to assure his success in appearing to be the omnipotent source of the ‘truth.’ Whether it be cadging the guests of other talk shows or appropriating and simply rewriting news material from other sites and sources and presenting it as ‘original’, Alex Jones and his websites have certainly been at the center of such controversy. SO, WHO OR WHAT IS ALEX JONES, REALLY? IS JONES A ZIONIST OPERATIVE… either in the closet or out? Readers and listeners must decide for themselves. The bottom line seems to be that, at the very least, Jones is doing, intentionally or otherwise, exactly what the Illuminati want by continually ranting, over and over again, about the control being imposed over the population. While this informs to a degree, the larger issue is of a massive desensitization through endless repetition and ensuing listener psychological frustration which leads to a de facto acceptance of that very control paradigm. Clever stuff. Repeat most anything often enough and people come to accept it and become resigned to it. SADLY, JONES’ LEGIONS OF SYCOPHANTS and disciples are in many cases every bit as blind and brainwashed as those who will follow Obama into the abyss…never figuring out what happened to them. The dangers of the adulation and idolatry of Jones - or any other media ego-tripping Pied Piper - were never more keenly evidenced than by the eBay auction of his cheap Radio Shack bullhorn for over $50,000…in a massive financial depression. This is essentially psychopathic hero worship. In fact, the contrived use of a stage prop bullhorn to grandstand - often for his own video productions - by yelling anti-NWO slogans at hotel buildings and a few limousines is absurdly transparent. Think about it. If the controllers wish to direct and condition many patriots to give up and accept their domination, there is no better way to desensitize them than to construct a fly paper forum wherein the throngs who care are exposed to the continual, repetitious, non-stop rantings of someone who preaches doom and against servitude. This NLP technique of repetition, especially, the grandiose and bellicose variety, achieves - over time - a fatalism and desensitization which serves the elite agenda perfectly. People will only be told to go out and take their country back so many times before the futility of same turns them off and they withdraw and give in to the paradigm of control which has been so carefully constructed by Zionism for well over 100 years. SO, WHO IS ALEX JONES? AND WHO IS HE WORKING FOR? His Godzilla ego which has destroyed more bridges than the original cinematic reptile? Or, is Jones shilling for world Zionism as evidenced by his continual misdirection away from it? Or, is it all about money and self-aggrandizement? Or…is it all of the above? Time will tell. Or will it…?